Digital nomads in e-Estonia are more than welcome!

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    Firstly, let me introduce you definition of digital nomad. Mainly, they are people who are freelancers and love to work remotely from anywhere they want such as: foreign countries, libraries, restaurants (Chi, 2020). This kind of self-employed people commonly roles are graphic designers, copywriters, virtual assistants, programmers, bloggers and many many more (Vincej, 2020) .

    Estonia again takes a step forward with their hype over technology and digitalizing, on July their government passed a law which offers one-year visas to self-employed people who invest part of that time working from this small country. According to their measurements, about 2,000 people may appoint to this particular scheme. Estonia is a country of 1.3M residents while facing effluence of young people from their borders, is doing everything to welcome foreign contractors. They call it e-residency programme which I am going to research about in coming posts(Thornhill, 2020). Take care.

Chi, C., 2020. What Is A Digital Nomad And How Do You Become One?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 November 2020].

Vincej, V., 2020. 17 Digital Nomad JOBS You Can Do From Anywhere In 2020. [online] Traveling Lifestyle. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 November 2020].

Thornhill, J., 2020. E-Estonia Welcomes Digital Nomads. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 November 2020].


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