My primary research - Google Form questionnaire! First part

I have created recently a survey on google form platform as a part of my primary research theme. I have asked my classmates and some of my friends to fill it. I was curious about getting answers from people from various countries! Below I am going to analize results from first part of the poll. Stay tuned for the second part.

As you can see in the diagram above, almost 75% percent of the responds from the poll are from male users. Likewise, it is caused by sharing my questionnaire to my Computer skills and research group where most of the students are male.

Age of repondents also depends on the place i shared my questionnaire, you can see as well wide range of students age. Most of the people who responded are between 18 and 24 years old.

In the diagram you can see that 60% of the answers are from European people. However, over a quater of all responds are from Asians, which is great because it will show us the differences or similarities in answers from people raised in various countries.

As you can clearly see, google form diagram has failed to merge all "student" answers. However, most of the people who responded are students, rest answers have just 1 person who voted on them.


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