Intuitive Surgical company focused on helping surgeons by inventing their innovative technology. Da Vinci robot was something that have had changed surgeries in a large amount of fields in medicine, such as neurology, cardiology, urology, gynecology and large amount of surgical practices. It is believed that it made a huge progress in Europe, especially in Germany where robotic surgery made great impact on healthcare (History of Robotic Surgery and FDA Approval - Robotic Oncology, n.d.).
Future of robotic surgery is bright and it can easily be upgraded as we are gaining more and more knowledge about technology. Moreover, we can reduce or completly remove human contact during enucleation by taking surgeries to the next level as surgeons could control panel from much greater lenght(History of Robotic Surgery and FDA Approval - Robotic Oncology, n.d.). However, we can not fully replace surgeons anytime soon.
Althought, not only positives are related to this robot-surgery firm. In 2017 they were facing 52 lawsuits claiming that machines were guilty for patients injury or death. Most of the complaints were from 2012 or 2013. Intuitive responded with these words: "Robotic-assisted surgery is an important surgical option that is safe and effective when used appropriately and with proper training" Following years company put over $16 millions to compose legal claims. These problems might be appeared due to software or hardware problems (Baron, 2017).
I am looking forward to research more areas of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, such as personalized treatment or gene editing. Last thing I would like to reseach about is the growth of certain fields in total.
References list:
RoboticOncology.com. n.d. History Of Robotic Surgery And FDA Approval - Robotic Oncology. [online] Available at: <https://www.roboticoncology.com/history-of-robotic-surgery/> [Accessed 3 December 2020].
Baron, E., 2017. Intuitive Surgical Facing Lawsuits, Reports Of Death And Injury. [online] Mercurynews.com. Available at: <https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/10/22/robot-surgery-firm-from-sunnyvale-facing-lawsuits-reports-of-death-and-injury/?fbclid=IwAR2IdcrlHv1L3XU2vkeh_vdv2r9BOujcNtRY6_shUeFBfA7SkSpugUObe7s> [Accessed 3 December 2020].
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